The energy turnaround will succeed if the transition to electromobility takes place in parallel with the expansion of power generation from renewable sources. A very important aspect is to create and promote the possibility that the vehicles are available both as a current sink and as a power source for the power grid. This would create a gigantic collective power storage without it, our security of supply would not be guaranteed! And that, since the batteries for the cars are necessary anyway, without additional costs. The photovoltaics has become from one of the most expensive to the cheapest energy source, which is now available with less than 4 cents per kilowatt hour (tendency falling annually). The expansion in the form of agro-photovoltaic would quench our thirst for energy and at the same time enable food production - without additional land use.
An intelligent network that tells the connected devices what the current electricity price is would provide a simple way to make meaningful use of the fluctuating supply in a future energy supply while supporting the grid when it becomes necessary - all with market-based rules. All these described techniques and building blocks for the success of the energy turnaround already exist. So we just have to promote, expand and use them!